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Washington-Franklin hall, affectionately known as “Wash-Frank”, was the first building constructed on RMC’s Ashland campus in 1872 and, after a 1987 renovation, is the present-day home of the College’s history department

The first brick building in Ashland, Wash-Frank is included on the National Register of Historic Places; the building housed many historical treasures, including a rosewood Steinway piano, one of only four in the world.

Named after two long-standing student organizations (the Washington Literary Society and the Franklin Debating Society), Wash-Frank Hall is the host site for the college's annual Franklin Debating Society debates, parliamentary-style events in which audience participation makes for a lively discussion.

Originally located in Boydton, Virginia, RMC students raised $13,000 to construct a campus in Ashland after their campus facilities in Boydton were rendered unusable following the Civil War.

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